Machine Learning: Linear Regression

Workshop Resources

Oh wow! Look at you wanting to get into the difficult stuff. Don’t worry, we will guide you through the journey so that you can understand how it all works 😉. This workshop, gives you an introduction on machine learning and lets you understand the potential machine learning has once you have been able to master it.

For context, Machine Learning is the branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on using thousands, millions, billion or even trillions of data points alongside special algorithms that, once combined, let us predict outcomes. These special algorithms are designed to learn similarly to how humans learn. Little by little, they improve their accuracy and ultimately predict outcomes with lots of precision. (e.g: Generate an image and text, Recognize text, Predict behaviors, and more.)

One of the simplest ways to understand machine learning and get your hands dirty in the subject of simple linear regression. But before we jump in lets think about a couple of things for a second


Always remember, “practice makes perfect”. Similar to humans, machines can do the same.

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