Room 9: The Security Stronghold

Workshop Resources

Room 9: The Security Stronghold

A room filled with locks, shields, and security monitors

You enter a room bristling with security measures. Locks, shields, and security monitors surround you. A stern voice declares: “Secure your code to proceed!”

Your Mission

  1. Enable Dependabot alerts for your repository.
  2. Add a security policy to your repository.
  3. Run a code scanning alert using GitHub Actions (if your repository is public).


  1. Go to your repository’s “Settings” tab.
  2. Click on “Security & analysis” in the left sidebar.
  3. Enable Dependabot alerts.
  4. In your repository, create a new file at .github/
  5. Add basic security guidelines to this file.
  6. If your repository is public, enable code scanning in the “Security & analysis” settings.

Important: Always be cautious when dealing with security settings. Make sure you understand each feature before enabling it.

Example Security Policy
After setting up your security policy, what email address did you specify for reporting vulnerabilities? Enter it below: [Input field for email address]

Well done, security expert! You’ve fortified your repository. On to the final challenge!