Room 5: The Conflict Canyon

Workshop Resources

Room 5: The Conflict Canyon

Two bridges almost connect over a deep chasm, representing a merge conflict

You enter a room with a deep chasm. Two bridges extend from either side but don’t quite meet in the middle. A sign reads: “Only by resolving conflicts can you cross.”

Your Mission

  1. Pull the latest changes from the original repository.
  2. Resolve the merge conflict that appears.
  3. Commit the resolution and push the changes.


  1. Add the original repository as a remote:
git remote add upstream
  1. Fetch and merge the changes:
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/main
  1. You’ll see a merge conflict. Open the conflicting file(s) and resolve the conflicts.
  2. After resolving, stage, commit, and push:
git add .
git commit -m "Resolve merge conflict"
git push origin main

Hint: Look for the conflict markers (<<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>>) in the files. Choose which changes to keep or combine them as needed.

Example of a Merge Conflict
After resolving the conflict, what was the final line of the conflicting file? Enter it below: [Input field for resolved content]

Outstanding work! You’ve conquered the Conflict Canyon and completed all the challenges. You’re now a GitHub master!

Note: The actual input field and encryption functionality would need to be implemented separately, as Hugo doesn’t provide this out of the box.