Room 4: The Merge Maze

Workshop Resources
A complex maze represents the challenges of merging code

You find yourself in a room with a complex maze on the floor. Paths intersect and diverge, representing the occasional challenges of merging code from your local copy to the remotely hosted version.

Your Mission

  1. Review any comments on your pull request.
  2. Make necessary changes and update your pull request.
  3. Once approved, merge your pull request.


  1. Check your pull request for any review comments.
  2. If changes are requested:
    • Make the changes locally
    • Commit the changes
    • Push to your fork
  3. The pull request will update automatically.
  4. Once approved, click “Merge pull request” on the GitHub interface.

Important: Communication is key! If you’re unsure about the requested changes, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification in the pull request comments.

graph TD A[Check PR Comments] -->|Changes Requested| B(Make Local Changes) B --> C(Commit Changes) C --> D(Push to Fork) D --> E{PR Approved?} E -->|Yes| F(Merge PR) E -->|No| A A -->|No Changes Needed| E

After successfully merging your pull request, what message did you see? Enter it below to proceed:

[Input field for merge message]


Note: The actual input field and encryption functionality would need to be implemented separately, as Hugo doesn’t provide this out of the box.