Activity 7 - Select conditions of your shaft

Workshop Resources

[insert image] Let us continue to step 3 where you select a variety of conditions.

Condition 1

[insert image] Consists of polishing your selected material, which basically means smoothing out any cracks or splits that might be sticking out. Now this is important, if a material has cracks or small deformities then its at more risk to fail when you load forces on it.

Condition 2

[insert image] Next is the temperature of your engine, it’s always good to have your engine in a specific range of temperature, making sure it doesn’t overheat. Overheating can cause serious damage to other parts near your engine. Perhaps melting, so this is where you will predict the condition of your engine. Will your engine be in excellent condition or perhaps you want to be more realistic and realize there might be a slight chance in overheating.

Condition 3

The final condition is to predict whether or not it will rain during the day of the competition, as this will impact the quality of your shaft. Often water can cause corrosion or maybe rotting of your material if wet. This lets you, the designer, decide whether you want to be optimistic or realistic.