

Anything that is surrounded in quotation marks is called a string. This is how a computer represents words or sentences. For example, "a", "2", "banana!", and "Hello World" are strings, but Hello World and 2 are not strings, because the quotation marks are missing.

You can combine many strings together using the + operator. For example:

Console.WriteLine("Apple" + "Pineapple");
Console.WriteLine("Nuevo" + " " + "Foundation");

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Working Together

In the Replit program below, we started the code with the line Console.WriteLine("Nuevo" + " " + "Foundation");.

Note that there are many ways to combine strings together. For example, another way to print Nuevo Foundation would be to write Console.WriteLine("Nue" + "vo Fou" + "ndation");.

We will brainstorm at least one more way to print the string "Nuevo Foundation" using two + symbols in each Console.WriteLine statement. Verify that Nuevo Foundation is printed out 3 times. In other words, your console should look like this after you press run:

Nuevo Foundation
Nuevo Foundation
Nuevo Foundation

Launch Replit